Sustainability is in our nature.
Processing wood is working with sustainability every day. But to our way of thinking, sustainability goes beyond the material we process; it characterises everything we do. From the abiding relationships we build with our customers, suppliers and employees to the way we see quality. We want to help create sustainable social development together with you, where it’s easy to make good choices when selecting building materials.

Climate-smart production that turns sawdust, shavings and offcuts into district heating
Just because wood is a renewable does not mean we can treat our raw materials any way we like. The Norrland timber we use in our production is hauled by train through the country before transhipment, and only travels by truck for the short distance from the terminal.
Our goal is for nothing to be wasted. Our pre-cut Perssons frame is a typical example, where each part is precision cut and every piece is put to use. We make good use of all wood that cannot be used in production at our plant. Waste wood is chipped and pressed together with sawdust to form briquettes in our own presses, before becoming Swedish district heating.
An electric future
Water, so essential for the sawmill when it was founded right here, still provides us with extra energy today. Our hydroelectric power plant does not produce all the electricity we use, but the turbine contributes to sustainable production.
The solar panels on our roof and the charging points in our car park provide a hint about the way we see the future. Electric forklifts are gradually replacing diesel-powered versions, and every new investment is not only evaluated for the benefit it can provide our customers, but also from a sustainability perspective.
That’s our thinking in a nutshell!
The building materials
The construction industry is responsible for major greenhouse gas emissions. One way to change this and achieve climate-smart production is to replace concrete and steel with wood.
Read moreThe people
We will never create a sustainable society unless we also care about the people with whom we share the planet.
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